The Sinus Fighting Essential Oils


Cathy’s Wellness Tips 

Feeling stuffy in the head? Well, that’s no fun. We are seeing many people being impacted multiple times by a long season of viruses. Our schedules are jammed, with little time for extra rest. 

I have a quick and simple solution. Essential oils to the rescue! Let’s explore peppermint and douglas fir to get you, or the ones you love, breathing freely and deeply. This is my go-to blend for shrinking sinus tissues, relieving pressure headaches, and clearing mucus. It will give your energy a boost too.  

First up is my good friend douglas fir, sending out fresh oxygen through its long needles, it is the hefty breather of the forest. A cooling decongestant, purifying with its anti-microbial activity, it is also stimulating to the immune system.  

Next, we have peppermint essential oil. Tried and true as medicine for a variety of headaches. Expansive and uplifting, an important oil for any first aid kit. 

This blog is part of the “Cathy’s Wellness Tips” series by Cathy Smith, Boise Co-op Wellness Associate.